Area-of-Interest Display Resolution and Stimulus Characteristics Effects on Visual Detection Thresholds

Abstract : An investigation was conducted to examine the effects of area-of- interest (AOI) display resolution and various stimulus characteristics on visual detection thresholds using the limited Field-of-View Dome (LFOVD) visual simulation system located at the Aircrew Training Research Division, Human Resources Directorate of the Armstrong Laboratory at Williams Air Force Base, Arizona. Two levels of AOI resolution, which was defined as the width of the line spread function at 50% of the line's maximum luminance, were evaluated. The higher resolution level was 0.081 degree horizontal by 0.071 degree vertical, and the lower resolution level was 0.132 horizontal by 0.121 degrees vertical. The stimuli consisted of computer-generated striped and plain cylinder-shaped objects. The cylinders stood upright on the simulated terrain surface, and the stripes were placed midway between the top and bottom of the cylinders and completely encircled the cylinders. Detection thresholds were determined for both the cylinder stripes and the cylinders. The analysis of the cylinder stripes indicated that the threshold detection distances were greater with the higher resolution AOI and that the detection distances generally increased as stripe size, cylinder height, and cylinder diameter increased. The image generator load management parameters dictated the detection distances for the plain cylinders, except the smallest diameter cylinders.