Quantum state tomography across the exceptional point in a single dissipative qubit

Open systems with gain and loss, described by non-trace-preserving, non-Hermitian Hamiltonians, have been a subject of intense research recently. The effect of exceptional-point degeneracies on the dynamics of classical systems has been observed through remarkable phenomena such as the parity-time symmetry breaking transition, asymmetric mode switching, and optimal energy transfer. On the other hand, consequences of an exceptional point for quantum evolution and decoherence are hitherto unexplored. Here, we use post-selection on a three-level superconducting transmon circuit with tunable Rabi drive, dissipation, and detuning to carry out quantum state tomography of a single dissipative qubit in the vicinity of its exceptional point. Quantum state tomography reveals the PT symmetry breaking transition at zero detuning, decoherence enhancement at finite detuning, and a quantum signature of the exceptional point in the qubit relaxation state. Our observations demonstrate rich phenomena associated with non-Hermitian physics such as non-orthogonality of eigenstates in a fully quantum regime and open routes to explore and harness exceptional point degeneracies for enhanced sensing and quantum information processing.

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