Special issue on statistical learning of natural language structured input and output
[1] Ming-Wei Chang,et al. Learning and Inference with Constraints , 2008, AAAI.
[2] Xavier Carreras,et al. Proceedings of the Thirteenth Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning, CoNLL 2009, Boulder, Colorado, USA, June 4-5, 2009 , 2009, CoNLL.
[3] Dan Roth,et al. Learning and Inference over Constrained Output , 2005, IJCAI.
[4] Alessandro Moschitti,et al. Convolution Kernels on Constituent, Dependency and Sequential Structures for Relation Extraction , 2009, EMNLP.
[5] Anoop Sarkar,et al. Discriminative Reranking for Machine Translation , 2004, NAACL.
[6] Michael Collins,et al. Discriminative Reranking for Natural Language Parsing , 2000, CL.
[7] Michael Collins,et al. Hidden-Variable Models for Discriminative Reranking , 2005, HLT.
[8] David Yarowsky,et al. Word-Sense Disambiguation Using Statistical Models of Roget’s Categories Trained on Large Corpora , 2010, COLING.
[9] Ben Taskar,et al. Max-Margin Markov Networks , 2003, NIPS.
[10] Michael Collins,et al. New Ranking Algorithms for Parsing and Tagging: Kernels over Discrete Structures, and the Voted Perceptron , 2002, ACL.
[11] Mark Johnson,et al. Using Universal Linguistic Knowledge to Guide Grammar Induction , 2010, EMNLP.
[12] Andrew McCallum,et al. Conditional Random Fields: Probabilistic Models for Segmenting and Labeling Sequence Data , 2001, ICML.
[13] Vladimir Vapnik,et al. Statistical learning theory , 1998 .
[14] Mirella Lapata,et al. Proceedings of the 2009 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, EMNLP 2009, 6-7 August 2009, Singapore, A meeting of SIGDAT, a Special Interest Group of the ACL , 2009, EMNLP.
[15] Roberto Basili,et al. Exploiting Syntactic and Shallow Semantic Kernels for Question Answer Classification , 2007, ACL.
[16] Mary P. Harper,et al. Reranking for Sentence Boundary Detection in Conversational Speech , 2006, 2006 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing Proceedings.
[17] Eric Brill,et al. A Simple Rule-Based Part of Speech Tagger , 1992, HLT.
[18] Mirella Lapata,et al. Proceedings of ACL-08: HLT , 2008 .
[19] Alessandro Moschitti,et al. Re-Ranking Models Based-on Small Training Data for Spoken Language Understanding , 2009, EMNLP.
[20] Raymond J. Mooney,et al. Discriminative Reranking for Semantic Parsing , 2006, ACL.
[21] Eugene Charniak,et al. Coarse-to-Fine n-Best Parsing and MaxEnt Discriminative Reranking , 2005, ACL.
[22] Nitin Madnani,et al. Proceedings of Human Language Technology Conference and Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing , 2005 .
[23] Dan Roth,et al. The Importance of Syntactic Parsing and Inference in Semantic Role Labeling , 2008, CL.
[24] Nello Cristianini,et al. Kernel Methods for Pattern Analysis , 2004 .
[25] Liang Huang,et al. Forest Reranking: Discriminative Parsing with Non-Local Features , 2008, ACL.
[26] Xavier Carreras,et al. Introduction to the CoNLL-2005 Shared Task: Semantic Role Labeling , 2005, CoNLL.
[27] Thomas Hofmann,et al. Large Margin Methods for Structured and Interdependent Output Variables , 2005, J. Mach. Learn. Res..
[28] Taku Kudo,et al. Boosting-based Parse Reranking with Subtree Features , 2005, ACL.