to a detailed explanation of the mechanism which controls the high temperature yield point phenomenon. The proposed theory in this work concerns the viscous motion of dislocations dragging the Cottrell atmosphere around them and the state equaton of deformation derived theoretically explains quite well the phenomenon observed at high temperatures. In the viscous motion of a dislocation, a fairly larger stress is needed to increase the dislocation velocity. This means that a remarkable yield drop must occur due to the dislocation multiplication during the deformation. This is the fundamental idea of the proposed theory to explain the high temperature yield point phenomenon. Comparing the state equations obtained experimentally and theoretically, it is deduced that the apparent relation between strain rate and stress, in which the strain rate increases in proportion to about the third power of the stress, occurs as a result of the proportional relationship of dislocation density to the second power of the stress and the proportional dependence of the dislocation velocity to the stress. The process of the increasing dislocation density calculated from the stress-strain curves shows that the density increases very rapidly in the initial deformation stage up to about 0.1% plastic strain and then gradually increases to an equi-
R. Horiuchi,et al.
New Yielding Phenomenon in Some Aluminium Alloys at High Temperatures
D. McLean,et al.
The Mechanical Properties of Metals
W. G. Johnston,et al.
Yield Points and Delay Times in Single Crystals
G. T. Hahn,et al.
A model for yielding with special reference to the yield-point phenomena of iron and related bcc metals
J. Weertman,et al.
Steady-State Creep of Crystals
A. Seeger,et al.
Elektronentheoretische Untersuchungen über Fehlstellen in Metallen
J. D. Eshelby.
Distortion of a Crystal by Point Imperfections
S. C. Hunter,et al.
CXI. Electrical interaction of a dislocation and a solute atom
B. Bilby.
On the Interactions of Dislocations and Solute Atoms
M. A. Jaswon,et al.
Distribution of solute atoms round a slow dislocation
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences.
N. Mott,et al.
Report of a Conference on Strength of Solids