Standard Systems Group (SSG) Technology Adoption Planning Workshop

Abstract : The Software Engineering Institute (SEI) facilitated a two-day Technology Adoption Planning workshop for the Standard Systems Group (SSG) Transformation Team (Vice Director and the Directors of the 2-letter organizations) on October 27 and 28, 2003 at the Alabama TechnaCenter in Montgomery, Alabama. Other pertinent SSG personnel, with responsibility for partnering with the SEI on the tasks in the FY03-04 SEI/SSG work plan also were invited and attended. The purpose of the workshop was to initiate the planning for phase 2 of the SSG/SEI partnership. (Phase 1 was the Enterprise Assessment conducted in January 2003 and out briefed in May 03). The workshop was focused on producing a tactical plan for incorporating the recommended SEI technical solutions (based on SSG-expressed needs during Phase 1) into the ongoing SSG transformation activities.