Can Markets for Electric Vehicles and Green Electricity Accelerate Each Other? Initial Conversations with Consumers

Do plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs), i.e., plug-in hybrid (PHEV) and electric vehicles (EVs), and green electricity form a complimentary bundle of goods and services that bolsters market growth of both? Focus groups with PEV drivers and participants in utility green electricity programs were conducted in market areas of recent EV leases. EV leaseholders had disparate levels of prior commitment to green electricity. Those with high prior commitment view EVs and green electricity as stemming from the same motivations; those with low prior commitment were more likely to wonder why they—who are already driving an EV—should do more. Green electricity participants were more unified in their skepticism that EVs could be good for the environment, and in general were not disposed towards buying an EV. While the results suggest there may be little latent demand to link PEVs and green electricity within the sample populations, the research indicates two openings for such a link to be made. First is the example of those participants who do drive an EV and participate in green electricity. Second is the skepticism of others is often expressed as questions rather than declarations. The focus groups provide hypotheses and language to be used in large-sample studies to test the existence and prevalence of these beliefs in larger populations.