Evaluating a 3-D transport model of atmospheric CO 2 using ground-based, aircraft, and space-borne data

We evaluate the GEOS-Chem atmospheric trans- port model (v8-02-01) of CO2 over 2003-2006, driven by GEOS-4 and GEOS-5 meteorology from the NASA God- dard Global Modeling and Assimilation Office, using sur- face, aircraft and space-borne concentration measurements of CO2. We use an established ensemble Kalman Fil- ter to estimate a posteriori biospheric+biomass burning (BS + BB) and oceanic (OC) CO2 fluxes from 22 geo- graphical regions, following the TransCom-3 protocol, using boundary layer CO2 data from a subset of GLOBALVIEW surface sites. Global annual net BS + BB + OC CO2 fluxes over 2004-2006 for GEOS-4 (GEOS-5) meteorol- ogy are 4.4± 0.9 ( 4.2± 0.9), 3.9± 0.9 ( 4.5± 0.9), and 5.2± 0.9 ( 4.9± 0.9) PgC yr 1 , respectively. After taking into account anthropogenic fossil fuel and bio-fuel emissions, the global annual net CO2 emissions for 2004- 2006 are estimated to be 4.0± 0.9 (4.2± 0.9), 4.8 ± 0.9 (4.2± 0.9), and 3.8± 0.9 (4.1± 0.9) PgC yr 1 , respectively. The estimated 3-yr total net emission for GEOS-4 (GEOS- 5) meteorology is equal to 12.5 (12.4) PgC, agreeing with other recent top-down estimates (12-13 PgC). The regional a posteriori fluxes are broadly consistent in the sign and magnitude of the TransCom-3 study for 1992-1996, but we find larger net sinks over northern and southern conti- nents. We find large departures from our a priori over Eu- rope during summer 2003, over temperate Eurasia during

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