A CONCEIT: a collaborative mapping in 3 spaces

A CONCEIT is the experimental collaboration of five creators working in three simultaneous media spaces. The project consists of an online site, a gallery installation and a printed map. The project is a time-based event, which originally took place in June 1998 at the RMIT (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology) Project Space in Melbourne, Australia. Conceptually, A CONCEIT explores the dynamics of map, model and metaphor, the intricate relationships between ideas, space and the development and interpretation of an tin/knowable language. A CONCEIT challenges the traditional notion of ‘exhibition’ as a finite event which occurs at a particular time and place. The aim is also to establish a mode of ‘collaboration’ which creates open-ended themes and ideas that coincide and intersect across media spaces with quite different properties. The outcome is an intermedia, interspatial event which can be continuously reapproached, thereby redefining the relationships between the creative act, artefact, exhibition Permission to make digital or hard copies or all or part ofthis work fnr personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the tirst page. TO copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists. requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. Creativity & Cognition 99 Loughborough UK Copyright ACM 1999 l-581 13-07%3/99/10...$5.00 space and the notion of audience. More specifically, the project employs a collaborative process to evolve and describe an open-ended, and somewhat ‘unpredictable, dialogue in a multi-dimensional curatorial space. The site can be viewed at: +vww.diagram.com.auJconceit>