A methodology for the assessment of surface resistance and soil water storage variability at mesoscale based on remote sensing measurements : a case study with HAPEX-EFEDA data

A new remote sensing algorithm has been tested with Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, surface albedo and surface temperature data obtained during the Thematic Mapper Simulator flight in the HAPEX-EFEDA field experiment (Hydrological and Atmospheric Pilot Experiment-Echival Field Experiment in a Desertification threatened Area). Its high spatial resolution allowed for a comparison of its results with soil moisture obtained from the moisture monitoring network. The microwave backscatter coefficient derived from AIRSAR data provided a possibility to compare the evaporation and topsoil moisture content. Having the surface energy balance instantaneously quantified in a distributed manner, it was finally possible (i) to inversely derive the surface resistance to evaporation from the latent heat flux and (ii) to study the (non-linear) relationship between surface resistance and soil water content at mesoscale for the Mediterranean climate present in Spain.

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