Supplementary Information for Experimental realization of a 3D random hopping model

be expressed with the Kronecker δ symbols as n̂i |j〉 = (1− 10 δij) |j〉 and n̂i |j〉 = δij |j〉 . Since n̂ ↑ i n̂ ↑ j |k〉 = δikδjk |j〉 ≡ 0 11 for i 6= j, we see that, as expected, the contribution of the 12 C 6 -term which describes the interaction between multiple 13 |↑〉-excitations vanishes in the single-|↑〉 subspace. 14 Now, we consider |χ〉 = ∑n i=1 ci |i〉 with ∑n i=1 |ci| = 1 15 to be an arbitrary normalized state from the single exci16 tation subspace. The action of the C 6 -term from Supple17 mentary Eq. (1) on |χ〉 then yields 18