Proposal of a Design Method of slope Reinforced by the Earth Retention System

In this study, the design method of slope reinforced by the earth retention systems were systematically developed, and the flow chart of design procedure fur each system were constructed to design the slope rationally. The proposed design method is composed of 5 steps such as field condition investigation step, slope design step, landslide occurrence prediction step, slope failure scale estimation step and reinforcement countermeasure selection step. The quantitative standard of slope failure scale was established based on the arrangement of various overseas standards which is estimating the slope failure, and the analysis of slope failure scale which is occurred in the country. The slope failure scale is classified into three categories the small scale of slope failure is less than of slope failure volume, the middle scale of slope failure is from to and the large scale of slope failure is more than . The earth retention system could be selected by the proposed slope failure scale based on the slope failure volume. Meanwhile, the design methods of earth retention system such as piles, soil nails and anchors were developed. The optimal countermeasure for slope stability could be proposed using above design methods.