The Institute of Geomatics (IG) operates the experimental hardware TAG (Trajectory, Attitude and Gravimetry) for GNSS/IMU data acquisition, developed during several projects in the field of inertial navigation in photogrammetry and remote sensing, sensor orientation and geodesy. The hardware basically consists of commercially available devices. The IG has a set of inertial measurement units (IMU) available that cover the whole range of the quality and price spectrum, in order to be able to give answer to the wide demand in the field of inertial navigation research and development. The software is the result of IG development work and ensures time synchronization of the measurements obtained, data capturing for post-processing and operation in real-time mode. The system is open to extension with new sensors and to modification to new applications. This paper gives a summary of the TAG elements and their architecture, of the system’s functionalities and potential, of some of the experiments in which it was involved, and it will give some results of a real time experiment conducted.