Desalination plant integration with cogeneration systems for EOR/commercial/industrial applications
Abstract Several studies, designs, and feed back- of cogeneration systems integration with desalination plants -here called Multipurpose system- indicated that significant reduction in operating costs together with system reliability and efficiency improvement have been achieved. This paper addresses a number of multi-purpose plants for the simultaneous production of electricity, process steam, heating, cooling, and desalinated water. These facilities either have been designed and are already in operation, or in the conceptual/permitting phase, or in the detailed design phase. 1. The purpose of the desalination process portion of the multi-purpose facility was to produce potable water for hotel/housing complex, process make up and drinking water quality for oil business, and relatively high purity water for an industrial application. Specifically, this paper will address the economics and process design feature for the following three - simultaneous - power/water/energy production applications: 2. Multi-purpose system for commercial application 3. Multi-purpose system for “Enhanced Oil Recovery” 4. Multi-purpose for industrial application