Data mining III

Section 1 Data mining and technologies: Data mining and soft computing Hard hats for data miners: myths and pitfalls of data mining A method for knowledge representation and discovery based on composing and manipulating logical equations Comparing dissimilarity measures for probabilistic symbolic objects A data mining toolset for distributed high-performance platforms An integrated platform for spatial data mining and interactive visual analysis Combining data mining and optimization for campaign management Implementing data mining algorithms with Microsoft(r) SQL Server A study of re-sampling methods with regression modelling Mining itemsets - an approach to longitudinal and incremental association rule mining Generating clusters' explanations in just one data scan An alternative method for extracting unexpected patterns from huge attributes using conditional contingency table in marketing A statistical model to predict gift patterns in large distribution (GDO), industry and trade promotions Outlier detection and data association for data mining criminal incidents. Section 2 Knowledge discovery: Knowledge discovery and supervised machine learning in a construction project database Visualizing interestingness SPADA: A spatial association discovery system A comparative study of two knowledge discovery tools: barchart versus scatterplot The inventive power of Learning Classifier Systems: a contribution to data mining Stroke risk factors classification modelling A propositional satisfiability approach in mining compact rules Rule association based alarm correlation in telecommunication management network (TMN) Knowledge discovery in textile field - analysis of a cotton fibre properties database Building an online purchasing behavior analytical system with neural network On high dimensional data spaces Process modelling analysis: comparison between activity-oriented models, product-oriented models and decision-oriented models. Section 3 Text mining, structure mining and context mining: Feature selection using support vector machines An evaluation component for categorization systems Integration of text and data mining Opinion classification through information extraction Textual data mining by parsing NL-OOPS: a requirements analysis tool based on natural language processing "NIBA - TAG" - A tool for analyzing and preparing German texts Mining the web to validate answers to natural language questions Text mining: crossing the chasm between the academy and the industry Study of category score algorithms for k - NN classifier. Section 4 Data analysis and data mining on large databases: Time series data analysis and pre-process on large databases Towards scaling up induction of second-order decision tables The window algorithm. (part contents)