Ditching Tests with a 1/16-Size Model of the Navy XP2V-1 Airplane at the Langley Tank No. 2 Monorail

Tests were made with a 1/16 size dynamically similar model of the Navy XP2V-1 airplane to study its performance when ditched. The model was ditched in calm water at the Langley tank no. 2 monorail. Various landing attitudes, speeds, and conditions of damage were simulated. The performance of the node1 was determined and recorded from visual observations, by recording time histories of the longitudinal decelerations, and by taking motion pictures of the ditchings From the results of the tests with the model the following conclusions were drawn: 1. The airplane should be ditched at the normal landing attitude. The flaps should be fully extended to obtain the lowest possible landing speed; 2. Extensive damage will occur in a ditching and the airplane probably will dive violently after a run of about 2 fuselage lengths. Maximum longitudinal decelerations up to about 4g will be encountered; and 3. If a trapezoidal hydroflap 4 feet by 2 feet by 1 foot is attached to the airplane at station 192.4, diving will be prevented and the airplane will probably porpoise in a run of about 4 fuselage lengths with a maximum longitudinal deceleration of less than 3.5g.