Computer Analysis and Design of Earthquake Resistant Structures: A Handbook

From the Publisher: The present book was written to fill a gap in the literature on seismic analysis and design of structures. It is characterized by two special features. Firstly the book is unique in that no other book on earthquake engineering, old or recent, combines tutorial and state-of-the-art aspects of the subject from the modern viewpoint of computerized methodologies. Secondly, it is comprehensive in that most types of structures such as buildings, bridges, lifelines, storage tanks, dams and offshore structures are described. The book also covers materials such as concrete, steel and masonry. Related subjects, such as engineering seismology, site effects and seismic hazard analysis are also included, while deterministic and stochastic methods are presented. More specifically, the book covers numerical methods in earthquake engineering, stochastic analysis methods, engineering seismology, strong ground motion and site effects, seismic hazard analysis and design earthquake loads, soil-structure interaction, principles of earthquake resistant design, buildings, reinforced concrete structures, steel structures, masonry structures and monuments, bridges, earth and concrete dams, offshore structures, storage tanks, underground and lifeline structures, seismic isolation and control and seismic retrofit of concrete structures. The present handbook will serve well the present and future needs of both research and practising structural engineers engaged in seismic analysis and design.