Abstract : For the analysis and optimization of Decision Processes of small teams (2-20 persons) as well as individual decision makers an Analysis Framework is under development within Task Group 006 (Modelling of Organizations and Decision Architectures) of the NATO RTO/IST Panel. A team from 6 nations, The Netherlands, France, The United States, Norway, the Czech Republic and Canada are developing this framework which is comprised of models on decision processes and the functioning of teams, a analysis area model for analysis and a procedural description on how to apply the modelling framework to specific problem domains. The model on decision processes is based upon some basic axioms on human decision making. The model on team functioning identifies elementary behavioral functions related to teams and an integration model is proposed between team functions and human decision making. The total analysis and optimization framework also includes formal description techniques with which the modelling and analysis results can be captured and described and a set of measures of merit with which decision making and team functioning can be measured. This paper describes the applicable problems domains and the current state of development of the Analysis Framework.
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