Analytical Resolution Method based on ambiguity function for attitude determination

In this paper, we provide an experimental result of a new method for resolving GNSS baseline vector. We discuss the single differencing (SD) model for attitude determination and it will be chosen for experiment based on GPS and GLONASS. The Analytical Resolution Method (ARM) is used for attitude angle resolving. This method will be better in reducing computation time. The condition of baseline length is combined with ambiguity function method (AFM) for integrity ambiguity searching and this method is validated in reducing the span of candidates. In addition, the Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring (RAIM) is brought into this algorithm for selecting the healthy satellites. The experiments are carried out in the campus and the performance is proved to be effective. Our results are based on simulated and real-time GNSS data and applied on single frequency processing, which is known as one of the challenging case of GNSS attitude determination.