Gases in sea ice

[1]  J. Tison,et al.  Drivers of inorganic carbon dynamics in first-year sea ice: A model study. , 2015 .

[2]  S. Ackley,et al.  Sea ice pCO2 dynamics and air-ice CO2 fluxes during the sea ice mass balance in the Antarctic (SIMBA) experiment-Bellingshausen sea, Antarctica , 2014 .

[3]  Jia-yun Zhou The physical and biological controls on the distribution of gases and solutes in sea ice from ice growth to ice decay , 2014 .

[4]  P. Tortell,et al.  Over-determination of the carbonate system in natural sea-ice brine and assessment of carbonic acid dissociation constants under low temperature, high salinity conditions , 2014 .

[5]  J. Tison,et al.  First “in situ” determination of gas transport coefficients ( DO2, DAr, and DN2) from bulk gas concentration measurements (O2, N2, Ar) in natural sea ice , 2014 .

[6]  J. Tison,et al.  Insights into oxygen transport and net community production in sea ice from oxygen, nitrogen and argon concentrations , 2014 .

[7]  J. Tison,et al.  Southern Ocean CO2 sink: The contribution of the sea ice , 2014 .

[8]  H. Kennedy,et al.  Kinetics of ikaite precipitation and dissolution in seawater-derived brines at sub-zero temperatures to 265 K , 2014 .

[9]  J. Tison,et al.  Physical controls on the storage of methane in landfast sea ice , 2014 .

[10]  M. Gosselin,et al.  Biological and physical processes influencing sea ice, under‐ice algae, and dimethylsulfoniopropionate during spring in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago , 2014 .

[11]  J. Tison,et al.  Physical and biological controls on DMS,P dynamics in ice shelf‐influenced fast ice during a winter‐spring and a spring‐summer transitions , 2014 .

[12]  B. Rabe,et al.  The influence of sea ice cover on air-sea gas exchange estimated with radon-222 profiles , 2014 .

[13]  J. Tison,et al.  CO 2 and CH 4 in sea ice from a subarctic fjord , 2014 .

[14]  J. Tison,et al.  New insights into sea ice nitrogen biogeochemical dynamics from the nitrogen isotopes , 2014 .

[15]  B. Delille,et al.  Transfer Across the Air-Sea Interface , 2014 .

[16]  V. Galindo Dynamique du diméthylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) produit par les assemblages d'algues sympagiques et planctoniques lors de la fonte printanière dans l'archipel Arctique canadien , 2014 .

[17]  J. Tison,et al.  Modelling argon dynamics in first-year sea ice , 2014 .

[18]  M. Granskog,et al.  Arctic and Antarctic sea ice acts as a sink for atmospheric CO2 during periods of snowmelt and surface flooding , 2013 .

[19]  M. Pihlatie,et al.  Comparison between eddy covariance and automatic chamber techniques for measuring net ecosystem exchange of carbon dioxide in cotton and wheat fields , 2013 .

[20]  T. Foken,et al.  Net ecosystem CO 2 exchange measurements by the closed chamber method and the eddy covariance technique and their dependence on atmospheric conditions , 2013 .

[21]  Peter Bergamaschi,et al.  Three decades of global methane sources and sinks , 2013 .

[22]  A. Wulff,et al.  Biogenic halocarbons in young Arctic sea ice and frost flowers , 2013 .

[23]  M. Levasseur Impact of Arctic meltdown on the microbial cycling of sulphur , 2013 .

[24]  A. Karlsson,et al.  Contribution of sea ice in the Southern Ocean to the cycling of volatile halogenated organic compounds , 2013 .

[25]  J. Tison,et al.  Parameterization of atmosphere-surface exchange of CO2 over sea ice , 2013 .

[26]  B. Loose,et al.  A Parameter Model of Gas Exchange for the Seasonal Sea Ice Zone , 2013 .

[27]  J. Tison,et al.  Physical and biogeochemical properties in landfast sea ice (Barrow, Alaska): Insights on brine and gas dynamics across seasons , 2013 .

[28]  H. Kennedy,et al.  Ikaite solubility in seawater-derived brines at 1 atm and sub-zero temperatures to 265 K , 2013 .

[29]  P. Shepson,et al.  Photochemical production of molecular bromine in Arctic surface snowpacks , 2013 .

[30]  G. DiTullio,et al.  Dimethylsulfoniopropionate in Sea Ice Algae from the Ross Sea Polynya , 2013 .

[31]  G. Xing,et al.  Sea ice in the Arctic Ocean: Role of shielding and consumption of methane , 2013 .

[32]  P. Tunved,et al.  Arctic aerosol life cycle: linking aerosol size distributions observed between 2000 and 2010 with air mass transport and precipitation at Zeppelin station, Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard , 2012 .

[33]  N. Cassar,et al.  Biological production in the Bellingshausen Sea from oxygen-to-argon ratios and oxygen triple isotopes , 2012 .

[34]  J. Dachs,et al.  Potential for a biogenic influence on cloud microphysics over the ocean: a correlation study with satellite-derived data , 2012 .

[35]  M. Gosselin,et al.  First measurements of nitrous oxide in Arctic sea ice , 2012 .

[36]  J. Tison,et al.  Dynamics of pCO2 and related air-ice CO2 fluxes in the Arctic coastal zone (Amundsen Gulf, Beaufort Sea) , 2012 .

[37]  P. Shepson,et al.  Halogen activation via interactions with environmental ice and snow in the polar lower troposphere and other regions , 2012 .

[38]  Eric A. Kort,et al.  Atmospheric observations of Arctic Ocean methane emissions up to 82° north , 2012 .

[39]  G. Dieckmann,et al.  Quantification of ikaite in Antarctic sea ice , 2012, Antarctic Science.

[40]  J. Tison,et al.  The analysis of dimethylsulfide and dimethylsulfoniopropionate in sea ice: Dry-crushing and melting using stable isotope additions , 2012 .

[41]  V. Sergienko,et al.  On carbon transport and fate in the East Siberian Arctic land–shelf–atmosphere system , 2012 .

[42]  J. Tison,et al.  Towards a method for high vertical resolution measurements of the partial pressure of CO2 within bulk sea ice , 2012 .

[43]  J. Burrows,et al.  Simultaneous satellite observations of IO and BrO over Antarctica , 2011 .

[44]  K. Arrigo,et al.  High concentrations and turnover rates of DMS, DMSP and DMSO in Antarctic sea ice , 2011 .

[45]  P. Quinn,et al.  The case against climate regulation via oceanic phytoplankton sulphur emissions , 2011, Nature.

[46]  P. Berg,et al.  Oxygen exchange and ice melt measured at the ice-water interface by eddy correlation , 2011 .

[47]  M. Shaw,et al.  Thermal evolution of diffusive transport of atmospheric halocarbons through artificial sea–ice , 2011 .

[48]  B. Loose,et al.  Sea ice and its effect on CO2 flux between the atmosphere and the Southern Ocean interior , 2011 .

[49]  J. Pierce,et al.  Relating atmospheric and oceanic DMS levels to particle nucleation events in the Canadian Arctic , 2011 .

[50]  B. Loose,et al.  Sea ice biogeochemistry and material transport across the frozen interface , 2011 .

[51]  R. Galley,et al.  Wintertime CO2 fluxes in an Arctic polynya using eddy covariance: Evidence for enhanced air‐sea gas transfer during ice formation , 2011 .

[52]  J. Tison,et al.  A robust approach for the determination of dimethylsulfoxide in sea ice , 2011 .

[53]  O. Krüger,et al.  Southern Ocean phytoplankton increases cloud albedo and reduces precipitation , 2011 .

[54]  R. Macdonald,et al.  Carbon dynamics in sea ice: A winter flux time series , 2011 .

[55]  J. Tison,et al.  Gas diffusion through columnar laboratory sea ice: implications for mixed-layer ventilation of CO2 in the seasonal ice zone , 2011 .

[56]  J. Tison,et al.  Sea ice contribution to the air–sea CO2 exchange in the Arctic and Southern Oceans , 2011 .

[57]  L. Miller,et al.  Springtime CO2 exchange over seasonal sea ice in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago , 2011, Annals of Glaciology.

[58]  J. Tison,et al.  High-resolution dimethyl sulfide and dimethylsulfoniopropionate time series profiles in decaying summer first-year sea ice at Ice Station Polarstern, western Weddell Sea, Antarctica , 2010 .

[59]  H. Eicken,et al.  Rapid physically driven inversion of the air-sea ice CO2 flux in the seasonal landfast ice off Barrow, Alaska after onset of surface melt , 2010 .

[60]  S. Montzka,et al.  Ozone variability and halogen oxidation within the Arctic and sub-Arctic springtime boundary layer , 2010 .

[61]  M. Galí,et al.  Occurrence and cycling of dimethylated sulfur compounds in the Arctic during summer receding of the ice edge , 2010 .

[62]  S. Morin,et al.  Observation of widespread depletion of ozone in the springtime boundary layer of the central Arctic linked to mesoscale synoptic conditions , 2010 .

[63]  I. Semiletov,et al.  Methane from the East Siberian Arctic Shelf—Response , 2010 .

[64]  K. Arrigo,et al.  Stable isotope composition of dissolved inorganic carbon and particulate organic carbon in sea ice from the Ross Sea, Antarctica , 2010 .

[65]  K. Shirasawa,et al.  Effects of snow, snowmelting and refreezing processes on air–sea-ice CO2 flux , 2010, Journal of Glaciology.

[66]  U. Schauer,et al.  Methane production in aerobic oligotrophic surface water in the central Arctic Ocean , 2009 .

[67]  A. Ravishankara,et al.  Nitrous Oxide (N2O): The Dominant Ozone-Depleting Substance Emitted in the 21st Century , 2009, Science.

[68]  M. Grae Worster,et al.  Desalination processes of sea ice revisited , 2009 .

[69]  Richard A. Feely,et al.  Recommendations for autonomous underway pCO2 measuring systems and data-reduction routines , 2009 .

[70]  G. Dieckmann,et al.  Biogeochemical conditions and ice algal photosynthetic parameters in Weddell Sea ice during early spring , 2009, Polar Biology.

[71]  B. Tilbrook,et al.  Continuous high-frequency dissolved O2/Ar measurements by equilibrator inlet mass spectrometry. , 2009, Analytical chemistry.

[72]  A. Grelle,et al.  Addressing the influence of instrument surface heat exchange on the measurements of CO2 flux from open‐path gas analyzers , 2008 .

[73]  D. Wolf-Gladrow,et al.  Calcium carbonate as ikaite crystals in Antarctic sea ice , 2008 .

[74]  M. Grae Worster,et al.  In situ measurements of the evolution of young sea ice , 2008 .

[75]  P. Liss,et al.  Dimethylsulfide emissions over the multi‐year ice of the western Weddell Sea , 2008 .

[76]  M. Gosselin,et al.  Seasonal changes in the sinking export of particulate material under first-year sea ice on the Mackenzie Shelf (western Canadian Arctic) , 2008 .

[77]  C. S. Wong,et al.  Climatological mean and decadal change in surface ocean pCO2, and net seaair CO2 flux over the global oceans , 2009 .

[78]  R. Glud,et al.  Denitrification activity and oxygen dynamics in Arctic sea ice , 2008, Polar Biology.

[79]  Xavier Frank,et al.  Bubble nucleation and growth in fluids , 2007 .

[80]  J. Burrows,et al.  Observations of iodine monoxide columns from satellite , 2007 .

[81]  C. Haas,et al.  Biogeochemical composition of natural sea ice brines from the Weddell Sea during early austral summer , 2007 .

[82]  Lars Kaleschke,et al.  Halogens and their role in polar boundary-layer ozone depletion , 2007 .

[83]  John M. C. Plane,et al.  Boundary Layer Halogens in Coastal Antarctica , 2007, Science.

[84]  J. Tison,et al.  Biogas (CO2, O2, dimethylsulfide) dynamics in spring Antarctic fast ice , 2007 .

[85]  Dieter Wolf-Gladrow,et al.  Total alkalinity: The explicit conservative expression and its application to biogeochemical processes , 2007 .

[86]  J. Severinghaus,et al.  Trace gas disequilibria during deep-water formation , 2007 .

[87]  P. Falkowski,et al.  New estimates of Southern Ocean biological production rates from O2/Ar ratios and the triple isotope composition of O2 , 2007 .

[88]  M. Steinke,et al.  Environmental constraints on the production and removal of the climatically active gas dimethylsulphide (DMS) and implications for ecosystem modelling , 2007 .

[89]  P. Christensen,et al.  Inorganic carbon transport during sea ice growth and decay : A carbon pump in polar seas , 2007 .

[90]  J A Harrison,et al.  Denitrification across landscapes and waterscapes: a synthesis. , 2006, Ecological applications : a publication of the Ecological Society of America.

[91]  J. Tison,et al.  CO2 deposition over the multi‐year ice of the western Weddell Sea , 2006 .

[92]  D. Feltham,et al.  Sea ice is a mushy layer , 2006 .

[93]  F. Millero,et al.  Dissociation constants of carbonic acid in seawater as a function of salinity and temperature , 2006 .

[94]  G. Jones,et al.  Dimethylsulphide and dimethylsulphoniopropionate in Antarctic sea ice and their release during sea ice melting , 2006 .

[95]  Takenobu Toyota,et al.  The effect of sea-ice growth on air–sea CO2 flux in a tank experiment , 2006 .

[96]  D. Notz,et al.  A non-destructive method for measuring the salinity and solid fraction of growing sea ice in situ , 2005, Journal of Glaciology.

[97]  Bruce A. Barnett,et al.  Net and gross O2 production in the southern ocean from measurements of biological O2 saturation and its triple isotope composition , 2004 .

[98]  S. Emerson,et al.  The solubility of neon, nitrogen and argon in distilled water and seawater , 2004 .

[99]  H. Kaartokallio Food web components, and physical and chemical properties of Baltic Sea ice , 2004 .

[100]  C. Barbante,et al.  Temporal evolution of DMS and DMSP in Antarctic Coastal Sea water , 2004 .

[101]  H. Kennedy,et al.  Experimental evidence for carbonate precipitation and CO2 degassing during sea ice formation , 2004 .

[102]  Edgar L. Andreas,et al.  Atmospheric CO2 balance: The role of Arctic sea ice , 2004 .

[103]  R. Glud,et al.  Anaerobic N2 production in Arctic sea ice , 2004 .

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[105]  Paul J. Crutzen,et al.  Model study of multiphase DMS oxidation with a focus on halogens , 2003 .

[106]  G. Jones,et al.  Profiles of dimethylsulphoniopropionate (DMSP), algal pigments, nutrients, and salinity in the fast ice of Prydz Bay, Antarctica , 2003 .

[107]  M. Gosselin,et al.  Significance of sedimentation and grazing by ice micro- and meiofauna for carbon cycling in annual sea ice (northern Baffin Bay) , 2002 .

[108]  G. Dieckmann,et al.  Micro-optodes in sea ice: A new approach to investigate oxygen dynamics during sea ice formation , 2002 .

[109]  G. Dieckmann,et al.  Particulate organic matter in Antarctic summer sea ice: concentration and stable isotopic composition , 2002 .

[110]  W. Sunda,et al.  An antioxidant function for DMSP and DMS in marine algae , 2002, Nature.

[111]  M. Kühl,et al.  A laboratory study on O 2 dynamics and photosynthesis in ice algal communities: quantification by microsensors, O 2 exchange rates, 14 C incubations and a PAM fluorometer , 2002 .

[112]  A. Richter,et al.  Dynamic oxidation of gaseous mercury in the Arctic troposphere at polar sunrise. , 2002, Environmental science & technology.

[113]  Helgi Björnsson,et al.  A method for monitoring glacier mass balance using satellite albedo measurements: application to Vatnajökull, Iceland , 2002, Journal of Glaciology.

[114]  J. Tison,et al.  A multiple-step deformation history of basal ice from the Dye 3 (Greenland) core: new insights from the CO2 and CH4 content , 2002, Annals of Glaciology.

[115]  C. Haas,et al.  Tank study of physico-chemical controls on gas content and composition during growth of young sea ice , 2002, Journal of Glaciology.

[116]  M. Kühl,et al.  Biomass, production and horizontal patchiness of sea ice algae in a high-Arctic fjord (Young Sound, NE Greenland) , 2001 .

[117]  M. Kühl,et al.  Photosynthetic performance of surface-associated algae below sea ice as measured with a pulse amplitude-modulated (PAM) fluorometer and O2 microsensors , 2001 .


[119]  W. Kuhs,et al.  Air bubbles and Clathrate hydrates in the transition zone of the NGRIP Deep Ice Core , 2001 .

[120]  A. McMinn,et al.  In situ oxygen microelectrode measurements of bottom-ice algal production in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica , 2001, Polar Biology.

[121]  H. Kaartokallio Evidence for active microbial nitrogen transformations in sea ice (Gulf of Bothnia, Baltic Sea) in midwinter , 2001, Polar Biology.

[122]  G. Jones,et al.  Dimethyl sulfide in the Southern Ocean: Seasonality and flux , 2000 .

[123]  J. Stefels Physiological aspects of the production and conversion of DMSP in marine algae and higher plants , 2000 .

[124]  G. Jones,et al.  Profiles of DMSP, algal pigments, nutrients and salinity in pack ice from eastern Antarctica , 2000 .

[125]  A. McMinn,et al.  In situ net primary productivity of an Antarctic fast ice bottom algal community , 2000 .

[126]  A. Andersson,et al.  Primary and bacterial production in sea ice in the northern Baltic Sea , 1999 .

[127]  Giacomo R. DiTullio,et al.  A global database of sea surface dimethylsulfide (DMS) measurements and a procedure to predict sea surface DMS as a function of latitude, longitude, and month , 1999 .

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