Multispectral polarization viewing angle analysis of circular polarized stereoscopic 3D displays

In this paper we propose a method to characterize polarization based stereoscopic 3D displays using multispectral Fourier optics viewing angle measurements. Full polarization analysis of the light emitted by the display in the full viewing cone is made at 31 wavelengths in the visible range. Vertical modulation of the polarization state is observed and explained by the position of the phase shift filter into the display structure. In addition, strong spectral dependence of the ellipticity and polarization degree is observed. These features come from the strong spectral dependence of the phase shift film and introduce some imperfections (color shifts and reduced contrast). Using the measured transmission properties of the two glasses filters, the resulting luminance across each filter is computed for left and right eye views. Monocular contrast for each eye and binocular contrasts are performed in the observer space, and Qualified Monocular and Binocular Viewing Spaces (QMVS and QBVS) can be deduced in the same way as auto-stereoscopic 3D displays allowing direct comparison of the performances.