The Implementation of the Innovation Platform "Educational Potential of Hardware-Software Complexes Based on the Study and Interpretation of Brain Activity Patterns"

The article describes the main objectives and features of realization of the innovation platform "Educational potential of hardware-software complexes based on the study and interpretation of brain activity patterns". Standard volumetric test is used in order to obtain objective data about the characteristics of the child for building individual learning paths. The prototype of the brain-computer system will be tested in the course of the innovation platform. It will allow to assess the condition of children in the learning process based on the analysis of brain signals. The regional innovation platform was established on the basis of the Yuri Gagarin SSTU, lecturers of N.G. Chernyshevsky SSU are working on pedagogical fundamentals and methods of application of this technology. Cooperation is necessary because such developments should be created in accordance with pedagogical and ergonomic requirements for information systems providing automation of information and methodological support of the educational process.