Online Crowds Opinion-Mining it to Analyze Current Trend: A Review

Online presence of the user has increased, there is a huge growth in the number of active users and thus the volume of data created on the online social networks is massive. Much are concentrating on the Internet Lingo. Notably most of the data on the social networking sites is made public which opens doors for companies, researchers and analyst to collect and analyze the data. We have huge volume of opinioned data available on the web we have to mine it so that we could get some interesting results out of it with could enhance the decision making process. In order to analyze the current scenario of what people are thinking focus is shifted towards opinion mining. This study presents a systematic literature review that contains a comprehensive overview of components of opinion mining, subjectivity of data, sources of opinion, the process and how does it let one analyze the current tendency of the online crowd in a particular context. Different perspectives from different authors regarding the above scenario have been presented. Research challenges and different applications that were developed with the motive opinion mining are also discussed.

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