FutureEnterprise, A Roadmap for Sensing Enterprise

The circumstances for shifting to new kinds of econ omies and to new ways of doing business are compelling, with the con cept of the sharing and circular economies opening up novel ways to reconcile the quest for growth and business value with the environmental pr udence perspective: “doing more with less”. The evolution of Sensing Enterprises is expected to capture new business value across suppl y chains and drive digital business innovation to undiscovered pathway s in product design, development of product-to-service approaches, custo mer engagement and internal structure and performance. In this pap er, a glimpse of the business models innovations that are relevant for S ensing Enterprises is provided, leading to the elaboration of the researc h challenges to accelerate new forms of enterprises, mainly along t he following dimensions: (a) Collaborative, Real-time, Proactive Business Analyticsas-a-Service, and (b) Innovative, Web-based Business Models for New Kinds of Economies.