Experiments on interaction of liquid tin with solid copper

Abstract The reaction of liquid tin with solid copper has been studied by heating small volumes ofpure tin on copper coupons at various temperatures and times, and evaluating the resulting reaction metallographically. Three reaction temperatures were used:260,400,and450 ° C. Specimen geometry was chosento simulate a typical solder joint. The reaction was observed to occur in two stages: an initial fast stage with copper/liquid tin interface movement rates from 0.2 μm s-1 at260 ° C to 0.8 μm s-1 at 450 ° C, followed by a much slower stage. It was concluded that the first stage corresponds to direct dissolution of copper in liquid tin up to or beyond the liquidus concentration for the reaction temperature used.This is followed by the formation of an intermetallic compound layer atthe copper/liquid interface. Subsequent copper dissolution then occurs by solid state diffusion through the compound layer, a much slower process than direct dissolution.