Late Weichselian glaciation of the northern Barents Sea - a discussion

The Holocene age of the raised beaches in eastern Svalbard combined with the wide distribution of only a thin veneer of glacigenic sediments in the northern Barents Sea strongly indicate the existence of a Late Weichselian ice sheet in the region (Salvigsen 1981; Elverh~i& Solheim 1983; Solheim et al. 1988) (Figs. 1 & 2). However, the maximum extent of the ice sheet, the timing and pattern of deglaciation are still much debated. Moraine ridges in the southwestern marginal parts of the Barents Sea may indicate a coalescence of the Fennoscandian and Svalbard/northern Barents Sea ice sheet covering the entire shelf (Vorren & Kristoffersen 1986). Ridge complexes fringing the northern Barents Sea bank areas at 25& 300m water depth may represent a major stage during the retreat, or alternatively represent the maximum extent (Elverhbi & Solheim 1983).