CS224N/Ling 237 Final Programming Project Guidelines
[1] Noah A. Smith,et al. Parsing with Soft and Hard Constraints on Dependency Length , 2005 .
[2] Bo Pang,et al. Thumbs up? Sentiment Classification using Machine Learning Techniques , 2002, EMNLP.
[3] Alexander Clark,et al. Combining Distributional and Morphological Information for Part of Speech Induction , 2003, EACL.
[4] Eugene Charniak,et al. Statistical Techniques for Natural Language Parsing , 1997, AI Mag..
[5] Eugene Charniak,et al. Statistical Parsing with a Context-Free Grammar and Word Statistics , 1997, AAAI/IAAI.
[6] Roger Levy,et al. Is it Harder to Parse Chinese, or the Chinese Treebank? , 2003, ACL.
[7] Michael Collins,et al. A New Statistical Parser Based on Bigram Lexical Dependencies , 1996, ACL.
[8] Ellen Riloff,et al. Learning Dictionaries for Information Extraction by Multi-Level Bootstrapping , 1999, AAAI/IAAI.
[9] Jade Goldstein-Stewart,et al. Summarizing text documents: sentence selection and evaluation metrics , 1999, SIGIR '99.
[10] Ronald Rosenfeld,et al. Adaptive Language Modeling Using the Maximum Entropy Principle , 1993, HLT.
[11] Ted Briscoe,et al. Robust stochastic parsing using the inside-outside algorithm , 1994, ArXiv.
[12] Hinrich Schütze. Distributional Part-of-Speech Tagging , 1995, EACL.
[13] Dan Klein,et al. Natural Language Grammar Induction Using a Constituent-Context Model , 2001, NIPS.
[14] John Hale,et al. A Statistical Approach to Anaphora Resolution , 1998, VLC@COLING/ACL.
[15] Hinrich Schütze,et al. Part-of-Speech Induction From Scratch , 1993, ACL.
[16] Bob Carpenter,et al. Probabilistic Parsing using Left Corner Language Models , 1997, IWPT.
[17] Noah A. Smith,et al. Guiding Unsupervised Grammar Induction Using Contrastive Estimation , 2005 .
[18] Peter D. Turney. Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down? Semantic Orientation Applied to Unsupervised Classification of Reviews , 2002, ACL.
[19] Dan Klein,et al. Accurate Unlexicalized Parsing , 2003, ACL.
[20] Ehud Reiter,et al. Book Reviews: Building Natural Language Generation Systems , 2000, CL.
[21] Eugene Charniak,et al. Tree-Bank Grammars , 1996, AAAI/IAAI, Vol. 2.
[22] Kathleen McKeown,et al. The decomposition of human-written summary sentences , 1999, SIGIR '99.
[23] Jason Eisner,et al. Three New Probabilistic Models for Dependency Parsing: An Exploration , 1996, COLING.
[24] Eugene Charniak,et al. Statistical language learning , 1997 .
[25] Dan Klein,et al. Corpus-Based Induction of Syntactic Structure: Models of Dependency and Constituency , 2004, ACL.
[26] Koby Crammer,et al. Online Large-Margin Training of Dependency Parsers , 2005, ACL.
[27] Francine Chen,et al. A trainable document summarizer , 1995, SIGIR '95.
[28] Michael Collins,et al. Three Generative, Lexicalised Models for Statistical Parsing , 1997, ACL.
[29] Andrei Mikheev,et al. Tagging Sentence Boundaries , 2000, ANLP.
[30] G Salton,et al. Automatic Analysis, Theme Generation, and Summarization of Machine-Readable Texts , 1994, Science.