SPICE for Power Electronics and Electric Power, Third Edition (Rashid, M.H.; 2012) [Book News]

This book teaches the reader how to use SPICE (in its different versions) from the beginning, including input and output files and all circuit elements (from the resistor to polynomial sources, transformers, and transmission lines, including power semiconductor devices). The book presents a realistic treatment of power devices, diodes, bipolar junction transistors, field effect transistors,and insulated gate bipolar transistors, as well as SPICE macromodels for thyristors, gate turn-off thyristors, and four-quadrant switches. Parametric simulations are included and examples given to allow students to understand the circuits¿ behavior and test their design, selecting the best design value for a component from a given range. Average concepts, Fourier analysis, and total harmonic distortion are also given in examples.