Multi-hazard Approaches to Civil Infrastructure Engineering: Mitigating Risks and Promoting Resilence

Natural and anthropogenic hazards cause billions of dollars of damage every year around the world, as well as several thousand fatalities or injuries and other societal impacts. While the frequency of damaging natural events is expected to increase due to climate change, new engineering solutions can help mitigate their impact and accelerate the recovery process. This volume is dedicated to the critical issue of creating successful solutions to multiple hazards. It examines a range of specific topics, including methodologies for vulnerability assessment of structures; new techniques to reduce structural demands through control systems; instrumentation, monitoring, and condition assessment of structures and foundations; new techniques for repairing structures that have suffered damage during past events, or for structures that have been found in need of strengthening; development of new design and construction provisions that consider multiple hazards; novel considerations toward resilient infrastructure; as well as questions from law and the humanities pertaining to successful management of natural and anthropogenic hazards. This book contains contributions from some of the world’s leading experts in each of the fields covered by the edited volume.