A revision of the Loranthaceae of New Guinea and the south-western Pacific

The Loranthaceae of New Guinea and the south-western Pacific comprise 12 genera, 59 species, 11 subspecies and 2 varieties. Of the species recorded, approximately one-half are endemic to the New Guinea mainland. About 20 other species are endemic in the area dealt with, most having distributions in New Guinea and adjacent islands. Nine species also occur in Australia, and five species extend to Indomalaya. Twelve species are described as new, viz. Amylotheca acuminatifolia, Lepeostegeres deciduus, Amyema angulare, A. apodum, A. brassii, A. canaliculatum, A. dilatipes, A. involvens, A. kebarense, Sogerianthe cupuliformis, Dendrophthoe pelagica and D. trichanthera. Five subspecies are described as new, viz. Amyema conspicuum subsp. fulvicalyx, A. scandens subsp. crassifolium, A. seemenianum subsp. flexuosum and A. wichmannii subspp. purum and aggregatum. One variety is described as new, viz. Macrosolen cochinchinensis var. lanceolatus. There are 15 new combinations, viz. Decaisnina djamuensis, D. micranthes, D. papuana, D. parvifolia, D. pedicellata, D. stenopetala, Amylotheca banksiana, Amyema scandens subsp. plicatulum, A. artense var. papuanum, A. seemenianum subsp. melastomifolium, A. squarrosum subsp. rhopalanthes, A. strongylophyllum subspp. rigidgorum and barbellatum, A. tetraflorum and .A. tetrapetalum. Chromosome numbers are given where known.