Symbol and Word Effectiveness for Conveying Photocopier Functions in Experienced Photocopier Users

This research was designed to assess whether experienced copier users prefer and are able to match keywords, in-use industry symbols, and new subject-generated symbols as designators of 16 photocopier functions. Previous research with inexperienced users had shown that words and newly generated symbols were more effective than in-use symbols as designators of most copier functions. In the present study, in Exp. 1 a preference measure was obtained from 38 experienced copier users for one of five different representations for 16 photocopier functions including: generated symbols, industry symbols, generated symbols with word(s), industry symbols with word(s), and word(s) only. In Exp. 2, 42 experienced photocopier users were asked to match keywords, generated symbols, and industry symbols with verbal descriptions of 16 copier functions. Analysis shows that experienced users prefer word-symbol combinations. Also, both subject-generated symbols and keywords lead to superior matching performance over industry symbols for most copier tasks. Interestingly, generated symbols and keywords did not differ significantly from each other over-all.