Cloning and the future of human embryo research

Introduction 1. Respect for Human Embryos 2. Source or Resource 3. Creating Embryos for Research: On Weighing Symbolic Costs 4. Casuistry, Virtue, and the Slippery Slope: Major Problems with Producing Human Embryonic Life for Research Purposes 5. Every Cell is Sacred: Logical Consequences of the Arguement from the Potential in the Age of Cloning 6. Cloning Human Beings: An Assessment of the Ethical Issues Pro and Con 7. Much Ado About Mutton: An Ethical Review of the Cloning Controversy 8. Born Again: Faith and Yearning in the Cloning Controversy 9. Responsibility and Regulation: Reproductive Technologies, Cloning, and Embryo Research 10. Consensus, Ethics, and Politics in Cloning and Embryo Research 11. Morality, Religion, and Public Bioethics: Shifting the Paradigm for the Public Discussion of Embryo Research and Human Cloning 12. The Law Meets Reproductive Technology: The Prospect of Human Cloning Appendix 1 Executive Summary, Human Embryo Research Panel Report Appendix 2 Executive Summary, National Bioethics Advisory Commission Report, Cloning Human beings Appendix 2a Excerpts, Chapter 2, National Bioethics Advisory Commission Report, Cloning Human Beings