We discuss the photometric performance and calibration of the Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 (WFPC2) on the Hubble Space Telesopce (HST). The stability and accuracy of WFPC2 photometric measurements is discussed, with particular attention given to charge transfer efficiency (CTE) effects, contamination effects in the ultraviolet (UV), and flat field accuracy and normalization. Observational data are presented from both WFPC2 observations and ground observations using a system similar to that flown. WFPC2 photometric systems are defined both for the ground and flight systems. Transformations between these systems and the Landolt UBVRI system are presented. These transformations are sensitive to details in the spectra being transformed, and these sensitivities are quantified and discussed. On-orbit observations are used to revise the prelaunch estimates of response curves to best match synthetic photometry results with observations, and the accuracy of the resulting synthetic photometry is discussed. Synthetic photometry is used to determine zeropoints and transformations for all of the fight filters, and also to derive interstellar extinction values for the WFPC2 system. Using stellar interior and atmosphere models, isochrones in the WFPC2 system are calculated and compared with several observations.