Currently, 86% of the energy originates from fossil fuelsforelectricity. These are expected to run out, causing severe environmental damage threatening future generations. The total impact of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) on the economy is significant. Solar cells harness the sun’s energy to generate electricity in an environmentally friendly manner. This study compares silicon solar cells to flexible Organic Photovoltaic solar cells (OPV) for electricity energy for a micro-business in the UK and Iraq. It shows that it is feasible to replace existing fossil fuel sources with solar cells in Iraq due to a greater amount of solar radiation striking the earth’s surface. Flexible solar cells can replace a proportion of the energy requirements in the UK and a larger proportion in Iraq. Using existing 20% efficient solar cells, 28% and 83% of the energy requirements of the microbusiness can be replaced in UK and Iraq respectively. Assuming 20% efficiency for solar cells placed on windows, 74% and 220% of the energy requirements of UK and Kurdistan can be replaced respectively and the surplus stored.
S. K. Deb.
Thin-film solar cells: An overview
Kevin K. Tsui,et al.
More Oil, Less Democracy: Evidence from Worldwide Crude Oil Discoveries
Niyazi Serdar Sariciftci,et al.
Organic solar cells: An overview
Michael L. Ross,et al.
Does Oil Hinder Democracy?
Valentin D. Mihailetchi,et al.
Organic Photovoltaics: Materials, Device Physics, and Manufacturing Technologies
Rosaria Ciriminna,et al.
Flexible solar cells.
Paul W. Griffin,et al.
Impact review of past UK public industrial energy efficiency RD&D programmes
Comparison on the use of silicon and flexible organic solar cells as replacements for fossil fuel energy source of electricity in the UK and Kurdistan, Iraq