A Future for Knowledge Acquisition: 8th European Knowledge Acquisition Workshop, Ekaw '94, Hoegaarden, Belgium, September 26-29, 1994 : Proceedings

CML: The commonKADS conceptual modelling language.- Evaluating a formal modelling language.- A comparison of two approaches to model-based knowledge acquisition.- Agent-based knowledge acquisition.- Beyond the knowledge level: Descriptions of rational behavior for sharing and reuse.- Local patching produces compact knowledge bases.- Components of problem solving and types of problems.- On a role of problem solving methods in knowledge acquisition.- Modeling plan recognition for decision support.- CUE: Ontology based knowledge acquisition.- KARO: An integrated environment for reusing ontologies.- From verification to modelling guidelines.- AFORIZM approach: Creating situations to facilitate expertise transfer.- How to combine data abstraction and model refinement: A methodological contribution in MACAO.- User centered knowledge-based system design: a formal modelling approach.- Validating at early stages with a causal simulation tool.- The SBF framework, 1989-1994: From applications to workplaces.- Applying the REKAP methodology to situation assessment.- Integration of learning into a knowledge modelling framework.- Knowledge level model of a configurable learning system.- Reflective, self-adaptive problem solvers.