The Application of Co-modality in Greece: a Critical Appraisal of Progress in the Development of Co-modal Freight Centres and Logistics Services
This paper discusses the situation in Greece as regards the introduction of co-modal transport services. It starts with basic definitions of “co-modality” and what it means for Greece. It then presents the results of a demand data collection and analysis exercise which resulted in the first ever estimates of the “potential” for road/rail co-modal transport in Greece today and in 2015. Based on these forecasts it seems that at least for two thickly populated areas of the country (i.e. Athens and Thessaloniki) this demand can be as high as 40% of the total freight flows. The paper then goes on to examine the means by which the responsible authorities can “induce” co-modal services in the country. It does this by examining the policies necessary, the infrastructure (both hard and “soft”), the necessary actions and incentives for the development of a “co-modal” market, and the necessary training––education actions for human resource development. The overall conclusion is that unless specific actions are taken on behalf of the government (such as those mentioned in the paper) the “land” based co-modal transport has no future in Greece.