An Introduction to Music Therapy Theory and Practice Third Edition
PrefaceAn Overview of Music Therapy1 Clinical Practice in Music Therapy2 Music Therapy: An Historical Perspective3 Music: A Human PhenomenonPopulations Served by Music Therapists4 Music Therapy for Mentally Retarded Children and Adults5 Music Therapy in the Treatment of Mental Disorders6 Music Therapy and Elderly Populations7 Music Therapy for the Physically Disabled Child8 Music Therapy with Autistic Children9 Music Therapy in the Treatment of Learning Disabilities10 Music Therapy in the Treatment of Sensory Disorders11 Music Therapy in the Treatment of Medical Conditions12 Music Therapy in the Rehabilitation of Stroke and Traumatic-Brain-Injured Clients13 Music Therapy in Correctional PsychiatryProfessional Issues in Music Therapy14 The Music Therapy Treatment Process15 The Role of Research in Music Therapy16 The Profession in a Larger Context