Second Water Utilities Data Book: Asian and Pacific Region
The Second Water Utilities Data Book for the Asian and Pacific Region builds on our experience from the rst Data Book. It provides information from 50 water utilities in 31 DMCs and is based largely on 1995 data. Additional features include the results of consumer surveys, a section on private sector participation, comparisons with information in the rst Data Book, and greater analytical depth. It is expected that the Data Book will provide a broad perspective of water utility services and institutions in the Asian and Paci c region to the stakeholders. Utilities should also find it useful as a benchmark against which to measure their own performance. Citation McIntosh, Arthur C.; Yñiguez, Cesar E.. 1997. Second Water Utilities Data Book: Asian and Pacific Region. © Asian Development Bank. License: CC BY 3.0 IGO. Print ISBN 971-561-125-7