New Specific Transmission Device for Providing the Required Safety Level between ETCS and INDUSI Technology

INDUSI technology is one of the most widely used types of train protection. By replacing INDUSI and other national protection systems with the ETCS (European Train Control System) across the world over the last decade, there has been a need to design a solution that would connect those systems in the upcoming migration period. For this purpose, an STM (Specific transmission module) has been developed that allows the traffic of existing and new trains on sections with and without ETCS equipment. This paper aims to extend existing knowledge of STM technology by presenting the development and main features of a new AP STM device from Altpro, and to give a comparison with similar solutions from other manufacturers. All the necessary data has been collected from previous research, during the development of AP STM and from official publicly available documentation from other manufacturers. However, observed constraints in the form of accuracy, detail and confidentiality of collected data impose caution when interpreting this analysis. The emergence of a new AP STM solution for INDUSI and ETCS compatibility will certainly contribute positively through increased interoperability of national and international trains, strengthening the supply market and expanding its applicability to existing and emerging markets.