Finite dimensional algebras and related topics

Preface. Equivalences of Blocks of Group Algebras M. Broue. On the Endomorphism Algebras of Gelfand--Graev Representations C.W. Curtis. Harish--Chandra Vertices, Green Correspondence in Hecke Algebras, and Steinbergs Tensor Product Theorem in Nondescribing Characteristic R. Dipper. On Tilting Modules and Invariants for Algebraic Groups S. Donkin. Harish--Chandra Subalgebras and Gelfand--Zetlin Modules Yu.A. Drozd, V.M. Futorny, S.A. Ovsienko. Algebras Associated to Bruhat Intervals and Polyhedral Cones M.J. Dyer. Symmetric Groups and Quasi-Hereditary Algebras K. Erdmann. Quasitilted Algebras D. Happel, I. Reiten, S.O. Small. Tilting Theory and Differential Graded Algebras B. Keller. Wild Canonical Algebras and Rings of Automorphic Forms H. Lenzing. The Ext Algebra of a Highest Weight Category B. Parshall. Coxeter Transformations and the Representation Theory of Algebras J.A. de la Pena. Translation Functors and Equivalences of Derived Categories for Blocks of Algebraic Groups J. Rickard. Blocks with Cyclic Defect (Green Orders) K.W. Roggenkamp. Rigid and Exceptional Sheaves on a DelPezzo Surface A.N. Rudakov. Quasihereditary Algebras and Kazhdan--Lusztig Theory L.l. Scott. Cycles in Module Categories A. Skowronski. Relative Homology M. Auslander, O. Solberg. Tilting Theory and Selfinjective Algebras T. Wakamatsu.