AMPA receptors

In this and forthcoming reviews, a representative clinical case will serve as an introduction to the topic to be discussed. This will provide the basis to address some recent insights from basic neuroscience research on the normal function of the primary target of the disease process involved in the case presented, as well as putative pathophysiologic and therapeutic implications.

[1]  K. Roche,et al.  Posttranslational Regulation of Ampa Receptor Trafficking and Function This Review Comes from a Themed Issue on Synaptic Structure and Function Edited , 2022 .

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[6]  Zhen Yan,et al.  Histone Modification of Nedd4 Ubiquitin Ligase Controls the Loss of AMPA Receptors and Cognitive Impairment Induced by Repeated Stress , 2016, The Journal of Neuroscience.

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[9]  Daniel Choquet,et al.  Regulation of AMPA receptor surface diffusion by PSD-95 slots , 2012, Current Opinion in Neurobiology.

[10]  R. Nicoll,et al.  The LGI1–ADAM22 protein complex directs synapse maturation through regulation of PSD-95 function , 2015, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

[11]  K. Berman,et al.  NMDA Receptor Internalization by Autoantibodies: A Reversible Mechanism Underlying Psychosis? , 2016, Trends in Neurosciences.

[12]  Dane M. Chetkovich,et al.  Stargazin regulates synaptic targeting of AMPA receptors by two distinct mechanisms , 2000, Nature.

[13]  J. G. Hanley Subunit-specific trafficking mechanisms regulating the synaptic expression of Ca(2+)-permeable AMPA receptors. , 2014, Seminars in cell & developmental biology.

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[15]  J. García-Nafría,et al.  Structure and organization of heteromeric AMPA-type glutamate receptors , 2016, Science.

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[19]  M. Rogawski,et al.  AMPA receptors in epilepsy and as targets for antiepileptic drugs. , 1999, Advances in neurology.

[20]  Romana Höftberger,et al.  Encephalitis and GABAB receptor antibodies , 2013, Neurology.

[21]  M. Walker,et al.  Seizure control by decanoic acid through direct AMPA receptor inhibition , 2015, Brain : a journal of neurology.

[22]  P. J. Sjöström,et al.  Synapse‐specific expression of calcium‐permeable AMPA receptors in neocortical layer 5 , 2015, The Journal of physiology.

[23]  R. Nicoll,et al.  Expression mechanisms underlying long-term potentiation: a postsynaptic view, 10 years on , 2014, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.

[24]  T. Nakagawa The Biochemistry, Ultrastructure, and Subunit Assembly Mechanism of AMPA Receptors , 2010, Molecular Neurobiology.

[25]  Pieter R. Roelfsema,et al.  Inhibitory Interneuron Classes Express Complementary AMPA-Receptor Patterns in Macaque Primary Visual Cortex , 2014, The Journal of Neuroscience.

[26]  Akio Sumioka Auxiliary subunits provide new insights into regulation of AMPA receptor trafficking. , 2013, Journal of biochemistry.

[27]  W. Mason,et al.  Encephalitis with refractory seizures, status epilepticus, and antibodies to the GABAA receptor: a case series, characterisation of the antigen, and analysis of the effects of antibodies , 2014, The Lancet Neurology.

[28]  Zhen Yan,et al.  Calpain regulation of AMPA receptor channels in cortical pyramidal neurons , 2007, The Journal of physiology.

[29]  Jessica A. Cardin,et al.  A critical role for NMDA receptors in parvalbumin interneurons for gamma rhythm induction and behavior , 2011, Molecular Psychiatry.

[30]  Chris J. McBain,et al.  The Role of the GluR2 Subunit in AMPA Receptor Function and Synaptic Plasticity , 2007, Neuron.

[31]  M. Geschwind,et al.  Encephalitis and AMPA receptor antibodies , 2015, Neurology.

[32]  Richard L. Huganir,et al.  AMPARs and Synaptic Plasticity: The Last 25 Years , 2013, Neuron.

[33]  I. Rektor Perampanel, a novel, non-competitive, selective AMPA receptor antagonist as adjunctive therapy for treatment-resistant partial-onset seizures , 2013, Expert opinion on pharmacotherapy.

[34]  R. Nicoll,et al.  LTP requires a reserve pool of glutamate receptors independent of subunit type , 2012, Nature.

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[37]  Masahiko Watanabe,et al.  Autoantibodies to Epilepsy-Related LGI1 in Limbic Encephalitis Neutralize LGI1-ADAM22 Interaction and Reduce Synaptic AMPA Receptors , 2013, The Journal of Neuroscience.

[38]  R. Nicoll,et al.  The Expanding Social Network of Ionotropic Glutamate Receptors: TARPs and Other Transmembrane Auxiliary Subunits , 2011, Neuron.

[39]  F. Ducray,et al.  Clinical Spectrum of Encephalitis Associated With Antibodies Against the α-Amino-3-Hydroxy-5-Methyl-4-Isoxazolepropionic Acid Receptor: Case Series and Review of the Literature. , 2015, JAMA neurology.

[40]  C. McBain,et al.  Diverse roles for ionotropic glutamate receptors on inhibitory interneurons in developing and adult brain , 2016, The Journal of physiology.

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[51]  J. Kapur,et al.  O Brother, Wherefore Are Thou? Calcium-Permeable AMPA Receptors Make an Appearance in Adult Status Epilepticus , 2013, Epilepsy currents.

[52]  Abhishek Sharma,et al.  GAD65 Positive Autoimmune Limbic Encephalitis: A Case Report and Review of Literature , 2012, Journal of clinical medicine research.

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[54]  Zheng Li,et al.  miR-501-3p mediates the activity-dependent regulation of the expression of AMPA receptor subunit GluA1 , 2015, The Journal of cell biology.

[55]  Patrik Lundström,et al.  A high-affinity, dimeric inhibitor of PSD-95 bivalently interacts with PDZ1-2 and protects against ischemic brain damage , 2012, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

[56]  J. Noebels,et al.  Paradoxical proepileptic response to NMDA receptor blockade linked to cortical interneuron defect in stargazer mice , 2013, Front. Cell. Neurosci..

[57]  Peter M. Klein,et al.  Glutamate Receptor 1 Phosphorylation at Serine 831 and 845 Modulates Seizure Susceptibility and Hippocampal Hyperexcitability after Early Life Seizures , 2012, The Journal of Neuroscience.

[58]  O. Thoumine,et al.  miR-92a regulates expression of synaptic GluA1-containing AMPA receptors during homeostatic scaling , 2014, Nature Neuroscience.

[59]  Bryce Vissel,et al.  The essential role of AMPA receptor GluR2 subunit RNA editing in the normal and diseased brain , 2012, Front. Mol. Neurosci..

[60]  W. Lu,et al.  Trafficking of α-Amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic Acid Receptor (AMPA) Receptor Subunit GluA2 from the Endoplasmic Reticulum Is Stimulated by a Complex Containing Ca2+/Calmodulin-activated Kinase II (CaMKII) and PICK1 Protein and by Release of Ca2+ from Internal Stores* , 2014, The Journal of Biological Chemistry.

[61]  M. Sheng,et al.  Subunit Rules Governing the Sorting of Internalized AMPA Receptors in Hippocampal Neurons , 2004, Neuron.

[62]  Mohammad Shehata,et al.  Neuronal Stimulation Induces Autophagy in Hippocampal Neurons That Is Involved in AMPA Receptor Degradation after Chemical Long-Term Depression , 2012, The Journal of Neuroscience.

[63]  Hannah Monyer,et al.  Selective Reduction of AMPA Currents onto Hippocampal Interneurons Impairs Network Oscillatory Activity , 2012, PloS one.

[64]  R. Kalb,et al.  AMPA receptor antibodies in limbic encephalitis alter synaptic receptor location , 2009, Annals of neurology.

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[66]  R. Huganir,et al.  Regulation of AMPA receptor subunit GluA1 surface expression by PAK3 phosphorylation , 2015, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

[67]  C. Papantoniou,et al.  Phosphorylation of AMPA-Type Glutamate Receptors: The Trigger of Epileptogenesis? , 2013, The Journal of Neuroscience.

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[69]  J. Henley,et al.  Synaptic AMPA receptor composition in development, plasticity and disease , 2016, Nature Reviews Neuroscience.

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[71]  T. Benke,et al.  Enhanced long term potentiation and decreased AMPA receptor desensitization in the acute period following a single kainate induced early life seizure , 2016, Neurobiology of Disease.

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[74]  R. Huganir,et al.  Regulation of AMPA receptor trafficking and synaptic plasticity , 2012, Current Opinion in Neurobiology.

[75]  R. Nicoll,et al.  Subunit Composition of Synaptic AMPA Receptors Revealed by a Single-Cell Genetic Approach , 2009, Neuron.

[76]  J. Sweatt Dynamic DNA methylation controls glutamate receptor trafficking and synaptic scaling , 2016, Journal of neurochemistry.