[Evaluation of women's preferences for the treatment of stress urinary incontinence using the paired comparisons method].
To know the preferences of patients with stress urinary incontinence (UI), may facilitate the decision making process of resources allocation and it also may help the choice of more suitable treatment.
Cross-sectional study of 150 women who consulted at a UI-specialized unit and with diagnostic of stress urinary incontinence. All patients underwent the diagnostic protocol of the urogynaecological unit. A personal interview was carried out including detailed information of three different treatments (Pelvic Floor Muscle Exercises-PFME, pharmacologic treatment and surgery) and the "Preferences Questionnaire" designed with the method of paired comparisons. A ranking scale was constructed with the alternatives and the distance between them was assessed applying the "law of comparative judgements".
Patients preferred treatment with PFME to the other two options in the whole sample and in two age groups: equal or under 46 years and between 56 and 62 years. Patients between 47 and 55 years seem to prefer pharmacologic treatment. The group of patients aged 63 or over preferred surgery According to severity degree, it seems that PFME treatment is preferred in all degree groups, being the pharmacologic treatment the second choice in moderate and severe degree groups.
Women with stress UI and who haven't received previous treatment preferred the PFME treatment followed by pharmacologic treatment and surgery.