An inexpensive sensor for measuring surface geometry.

A technique to measure surface geometry using a conductive ink sensor is described. In the human system distorted cylinders are common, and geometry can be reconstructed from local measures of curvature. An algorithm is presented to reconstruct the shape of a surface from a series of curvature measurements. The Abrams Gentile Entertainment patented bend sensor was evaluated as a curvature transducer. The sensor was tested at the extremes of the likely measurement range, from curvatures below 0.01 mm(-1) up to a curvature of 0.1 mm(-1). The upper curvature limit proved beyond the design specification of the sensor. The technique was applied at the lower curvature range to reconstruct one quadrant of the chest of a volunteer and record breathing movement. The bend sensor is inexpensive and can be applied to obtain an approximate reconstruction of surface geometry in the human system.