Performance Analysis of Vehicular Delay Tolerant Network

Traditional TCP/IP network model needs an end-to-end connection for data transmission. With this traditional network, it is difficult to communicate in those areas where intermittent connectivity exists. Delay Tolerant Network (DTN) offers an alternate solution for these challenged areas. In the DTN, end-to-end path between the starting and end node may not be available all the time, but the transfer of data takes place using store-carry-forward technique in which node can depot the data, hold it until another node comes in contact and then deliver it to the destination. DTN with vehicular nodes called Vehicular Delay Tolerant network (VDTN). Here, a comprehensive study of VDTN and comparative study of VDTN routing protocol’s performance is done to analyze the effect of size of buffer. The simulation experiment is carried out using ONE simulator with Synthetic Traces and Real Contact Traces.

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