Initial treatment of descemetocele with hydrophilic contact lenses.

Abstract A hydrophilic contact lens was used as the initial mode of therapy in 5 cases of descemetocele. The lens was left in place over the descemetocele continuously for periods ranging from 2 to 15 months. Corneal perforation did not occur, and the anterior chamber remained formed in all cases. The device seemingly provides sufficient structural reinforcement to Descemet's membrane to prevent its distension by the intraocular pressure. It also maintains Descemet's membrane in a moist state and protects the descemetocele from the trauma of the lid margins during blinking. This series of cases indicates that a hydrophilic contact lens can be a very effective temporizing measure for the treatment of descemetocele, enabling the surgeon initially to cope with an ocular emergency in a very simple manner, and to convert the ultimate surgical repair to a scheduled, carefully planned procedure with a much greater potential for success.