2. Mitt. studien über die inhaltsstoffe von capsicum quantitative gaschromatographische bestimmung einzelner homologe und analoge von capsaicinoid-gemischen natürlicher herkunft und des pelargonsäurevanillylamids als verfälschung

Abstract II. Study of the components of capsaicin. Quantitative gas chromatographic determination of individual homologs and analogs of capsaicin in mixtures from a natural source and of vanillyl pelargonic amide as adulteration. A gas chromatographic method is presented for the quantitative determination of the homologs and analogs of capsaicin in the isoloted capsaicinoid mixtures on the market as well as in the drug. The method includes a new procedure for quantitative extraction of capsaicinoids from the powdered drug, trimethylsilylization of isolated capsaicinoid or of the residue from a measured quantity of drug extract, and a subsequent gas chromatographic separation on 1% or 3% JXR. Furthermore, a rapid gas chromatographic method for the detection and quantitative estimation of vanillyl-N-nonylamid (PSVD), which is frequently used as an adulterant of pungent ingredients in the drug, is given.