KPIshare: A Collaborative Space for BPM Practitioners for Full Definitions and Discussions on Process KPIs

The definition of process-related key performance indica- tors (KPIs) is a key part of performance measurement and one of the most challenging because of the lack of one best way to define business- applicable KPIs that are both aligned with the strategic goals that the organisation wants to achieve and, at the same time, measurable and as objective as possible. In this demo, we present KPIshare, which is a web platform whose main goal is to provide the BPM community with a knowledge base of well-defined, mature KPIs and a place where they can discuss, collaborate and create process-related KPIs that are applicable in real business situations. To this end, KPIshare introduces a detailed structure for KPI definition and the concept of operational KPI challenge as a mechanism to foster the collaboration in the platform.