'OphthWeb' is an ophthalmic electronic medical record that can be accessed locally and globally via the Internet. OphthWeb can provide secure multimedia patient data to doctors, patients, and health care providers at any time and in any place. Patients have secured access to their own records in the convenience of their homes or during any emergency at any time or place around the world. OphthWeb provides interactive educational information and answers frequently asked questions by way of multimedia images on the Worldwide Web. A data transmission trial was conducted between the Xiamen Eye Centre in the Fujian province in southern China and Singapore. Clinical records, voice messages, and fundus and slit-lamp images were transmitted from Xiamen, and an off-line dialogue by e-mail and Internet-relay chat was conducted. The time delay from transmission to receipt was 30 minutes, which would be adequate to respond to most ophthalmic emergencies. This pilot project will promote computer literacy among doctors, and inter-institutional interaction in the health care profession. OphthWeb can provide telemedicine and electronic medical records at a low cost and great convenience.
N A Blackwell,et al.
Telemedicine ophthalmology consultation in remote Queensland
The Medical journal of Australia.
C. Muller,et al.
Cost Factors in Urban Telemedicine
Medical care.
Celeste G. Kirschner,et al.
Physicians' current procedural terminology : CPT 95
J. Caprioli,et al.
Computerized Database to Identify Patent Populations for Clinical Research