Activation Cross Sections of Yb Isotopes for (n,p) and (n,α) Reactions at 14.5 MeV

The following activation cross sections for the (n,p) and (n,α) reactions on Yb isotopes have been measured at 14.5±1.0 MeV using the mixed powder method with Ge(Li) γ-ray detection: 172Yb(n,p)172Tm (63.8 h), 6.3±0.8 mb; 173Yb(n,p)173Tm (8.24 h), 4.2±0.3 mb; 174Yb(n,p)174Tm (5.4 min), 2.1±0.3 mb; 176Yb(n,p)176Tm (1.9 min), 0.55±0.14 mn; 174Yb(n,α)171Er (7.52 h), 0.82±0.05 mb; and 176Yb(n,α)173Er (1.4 min), 0.33±0.09 mb. The (n,p) cross sections agree well with Gardner's predictions. Both the (n,p) and (n,α) cross sections have also been compared with calculations based on evaporation approximation.