Spontaneous hole in anterior hyaloid membrane.

AFTER uncomplicated intracapsular lens extractions with or without an iridectomy, either complete or peripheral, it is very common to see a blob of vitreous in the anterior chamber. As long as the vitreous does not come into contact with Descemet's membrane, no untoward effects are to be expected. As a rule, the slit-lamp microscope does not reveal any opening in the anterior hyaloid membrane through which the vitreous blob protrudes. Berliner1states: Following intracapsular cataract extraction, where herniation of the vitreous is commonly seen, rupture of the "hyaloid" and spilling of vitreous substance into the anterior chamber may occur spontaneously months postoperatively. This phenomenon may be attended by slight ciliary injection. Improvement in visual acuity has been noted following such an episode. However, in no textbook on biomicroscopy of the eye is there an illustration of the lesion which I am reporting. Mr. P. C., a white man aged