Pengaruh metode student created case studies disertai media gambar terhadap keterampilan proses sains siswa kelas x sma negeri 1 Mojolaban Sukoharjo

This research aims to ascertain whether or not the application Student Created Case Studies learning method with picture media towards sains skill process. This research is considered quasi-experiment research. The research was designed using Posttest-Only Control Group Design by applying Student Created Case Studies learning method l with picture media in experimental group and lectures methods, discussions, and experiment in control group. The population of this research were all strudents in X grade of SMA Negeri 1 Mojolaban in academic year 2011/ 2012. The sample of this research was established by Cluster Random Sampling, in order to obtain class X-4 as experimental group and class X-3 as control group. The data was collected by using tests, documentation and observation form. The hypothesis was analized by using t-test. The conclusion of this research is that the application Student Created Case Studies learning method with picture media towards sains skill process.